C3: Sunday – BuzzFeed “Impact and Visibility on the Digital Frontier and Beyond”

C3: Sunday – BuzzFeed “Impact and Visibility on the Digital Frontier and Beyond”
Aratani Central Hall at JANM
April 30, 2017 12:00 pm
Designated as Fast Company’s #1 Most Innovative Company in 2016, BuzzFeed is the leading independent digital media company delivering news and entertainment to hundreds of millions of people around the world. We’re bringing together their executives and pioneering content creators for a special discussion on impact and storytelling in the digital age.
Ryan Bergara
Steven Lim
Ashly Perez
Jennifer Ruggirello
Eugene Lee Yang
Moderator | Hieu Ho, Producer/Executive, BUZZFEED; Board of Directors, VISUAL COMMUNICATIONS
Panels are not individually sold. The admission fee for one day will include all the panels on that day. The admission fee for both days will include all the panels of the C3 Conference.
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C3: Sunday – BuzzFeed “Impact and Visibility on the Digital Frontier and Beyond”
Aratani Central Hall at JANM
April 30, 2017 12:00 pm
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