C3: Saturday – UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs as part of the Meyer and Renee Luskin Lecture Series: “Media and Social Change”

C3: Saturday – UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs as part of the Meyer and Renee Luskin Lecture Series: “Media and Social Change”
Aratani Central Hall at JANM
April 29, 2017 4:45 pm
Presented by UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs as part of the Meyer and Renee Luskin Lecture Series
For better or for worse, our community vision and self-image has been shaped by — and in some unfortunate instances, tainted — by the way communities of color have been portrayed in mass media and popular entertainment. In this special conversation with filmmakers, scholars, and cultural workers, we will assess whether progressive change can be enacted by a paradigm shift in how we are portrayed onscreen, in print, and in other forms of commercial and independently-produced communication.
Justin Chon | Director/Actor/Writer, GOOK, REVENGE OF THE GREEN DRAGONS
Gaye Theresa Johnson | UCLA Asso Prof, African American Studies and Chicana/o Studies
Ananya Roy | Professor of Urban Planning, Social Welfare and Geography, and Director of the Institute on Inequality and Democracy at UCLA Luskin
Renee Tajima-Peña | Filmmaker/UCLA Asian American Studies Professor, WHO KILLED VINCENT CHIN?, NO MÁS BEBÉS
Moderator | Phil Yu, Writer/Speaker and Founder of ANGRY ASIAN MAN
Panels are not individually sold. The admission fee for one day will include all the panels on that day. The admission fee for both days will include all the panels of the C3 Conference.
Click here to view the C3 Conference schedule.
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Dates & Times
C3: Saturday – UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs as part of the Meyer and Renee Luskin Lecture Series: “Media and Social Change”
Aratani Central Hall at JANM
April 29, 2017 4:45 pm
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