Directed by X. Dean Lim
Plays In:
#AsAmCreatorRollCall – The Episodics
David Henry Hwang Theater @ East West Players
Sunday | May 6, 2018 12:00 pm
With a script that scored in the top 5% on The Black List, First World Problems premiered at the 2018 SXSW Film Festival. Featuring Stephen Park (Fargo), Tamlyn Tomita (Berlin Station), Brandon Soo-Hoo (Tropic Thunder) and Nikki Soohoo (The Lovely Bones) and shot by the ethereal lens of Chris Saul (Nike, Lenovo), First World Problems asks just how bad is your shit, really?
Director's Bio
X. Dean Lim ( XDL ) has directed over 1,100 episodes of television. He has worked single camera, multi-camera and LIVE TV, Special Unit and even a Spielberg director’s competition show. First World Problems is the first of many passion projects. Originally from New York, Dean currently resides with his wife and daughter in Los Angeles. He is humbled and proud to be part of LAAPFF.
Director: X. Dean Lim
Writer: X. Dean Lim
Plays in
#AsAmCreatorRollCall – The Episodics
Special Presentations / 75 mins
A panel of Asian American filmmakers present their latest episodic projects and discuss this new and exciting avenue for content creators. After the screening, the conversation will center on developing and pitching episodic content, and panelists will share key insight for activating pilot screenings.In This Program: SUSANELAND, FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS, CHING CHONG BLUES, TWO SENTENCE HORROR STORIES
Dates & Times
Plays In:
#AsAmCreatorRollCall – The Episodics
David Henry Hwang Theater @ East West Players
Sunday | May 6, 2018 12:00 pm
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